1978 年、つかこうへい構成・演出『サロメ』にて、三千人の応募者の中から主役に選ばれ女優としてデビュー。1981 年、映画『狂った果実』でヨコハマ映画祭新人賞受賞。以降、映画『ひめゆりの塔』『もどり川』『人でなしの恋』やTV『鬼龍院花子の生涯』など出演作多数。舞台では『仮名手本忠臣蔵』『にごり江』など様々な異色の作品に出演し、確実な演技で評価を得る。
女優業だけにとどまらず2004 年には、鈴木清順原案の短編映画『バラメラバ』を監督・脚本・主演。『バラメラバ』小説&DVD を上梓。
2008 年、Bunkamura Gallery にて絵画展『薔薇めくとき』を開催。同年度情報文化学会・芸術大賞受賞。
2010 年、松坂屋デパートメントストア100 周年記念企画・蜷川有紀絵画展『薔薇まんだら』は、松坂屋上野店及び大丸心斎橋店イベントホールで開催、2012 年『薔薇都市』(Bunkamura Gallery)、2013年『薔薇迷宮』( 大丸心斎橋店イベントホール) などの個展も大盛況をおさめる。
また、2017年 蜷川有紀展「薔薇の神曲」では、ダンテ「神曲」テーマにした3m× 6mの超大作を発表。
2018 年蜷川有紀絵画展『永遠の薔薇』(Bunkamura Gallery)開催。
2018 年、ゼゾン現代美術館に絵画作品『青い薔薇の旅』が所蔵される。
2022年、蜷川有紀展『薔薇の王国』(Bunkamura Gallery)開催。蜷川有紀展「薔薇の神曲Ⅱ」(吉井画廊)開催。
また、大正大学客員教授、日本文化デザインフォーラム幹事 、(財)全国税理士共栄会文化財団/芸術活動分野選考委員、、JACEイベントアワード選考委委員、青森県立美術館アドバイザー等として多くの文化活動にも貢献している。
Oyukibo Office オユキボー・オフィス
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E-mail: otoiawase@oyukibo.com
TEL: 0120-303-412 FAX: 03-5545-5364
担当:梶原 啓司
Mobile : 080-2026-6044
E-mail : kajiwara@oscarpro.co.jp
HOMEPAGE : http://www.oyukibo.com/
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YUKI NINAGAWA (Artist・Actress)
Yuki Ninagawa made her debut as an actress in 1978 as she was chosen out of 3000 candidates to play the heroine in Kohei Tsuka’ s Rock Opera “Salome”. She received The Best New Actress Award in 1981 for her performance in “Kurutta Kajitsu”. She established her screen actress career by playing leading roles in many movies. Ninagawa challenged theatre works, such as “Kanadehon Chushingura” , “Nigori – E” etc. and her steady performance was highly acclaimed by many theatre critics. In 2004, she wrote, directed and played her first film “BARAMERABA” , based on a short story by Seijun Suzuki. In 2008 her graphic art exhibition titled “BARAMEKUTOKI” was held at Tokyu Bunkamura Gallery, which brought her Art of The Year Award from JICS (Japan Information-Culturology Society). After that, held numbers of large private exhibitions under the theme of rose such as “Yuki Ninagawa Painting Exhibition: BARAMANDARA” (2010), “BARATOSHI” (2012), “BARAMEIKYU” (2013), and more. Her attractive paintings, using natural mineral pigments “IWA ENOGU” have attracted many people.
Her exhibition “Bara no Shinkyoku” in 2017, she showcased a huge, 3m x 6m sized painting whose theme was “Devine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri.
In 2018, her painting exhibition ”Eien no Bara” was held at Bunkamura Gallery. Her painting “Aoi Bara no Tab” has been owned by Sezon Museum of Modern Art.
In 2022, ”Bara no Okoku” will be held at Bunkamura Gallery, and in November, ”Bara no ShinkyokuⅡ” will be held at Yoshii Gallery. She presented a major work, “Pellegrino dell’ Anima”.
Her works were also used as the title visual for the TV-TOKYO 45th anniversary special program “Nene – Onna Taikouki”, a cover of the Wacoal’s PR magazine, a wine label of the Millesimes wine, etc. Her fascinating art work using iwa-enogu (mineral pigment) are overwhelmingly popular among women.
Ninagawa has contributed to many art activities of this country, such as a board member of Special Award selection committee at Innovative Technologies, and an advisor at Aomori Museum of Art. etc..In 2016, became a guest professor at Taisho University.
Oyukibo Office
2-24-37 NishiazabuMinato-ku Tokyo JAPAN 106-0031
Tel: +81-3-3486-7177 Fax: +81-3-3486-7155 (same as OFFICE INOSE)
Oscar Promotion Co.ltd.
TEL: 0120-303-412 FAX: 03-5545-5364
manager:Keishi Kajiwara
Mobile : 080-2026-6044
E-mail : kajiwara@oscarpro.co.jp